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About Twinsanity Life: My Mission to Help Parents of Twins Survive and Thrive

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Hello and thank you for stopping by! I’m Jackie, a native New Yorker turned Bostonian, a proud wife, and now a stay-at-home mom to boy and girl/twins born at 36 weeks in 2017. I consider myself to be an “affordable wine” enthusiast, avid morning coffee drinker, and fan of all things Costco, Target, and Amazon!!

If you are having twins or already parenting them, I will help give you the tools to overcome some of the biggest parenting challenges.

The Beginning

For me personally, going from zero to two kids at once was the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life! But it was also the biggest blessing and a dream come true. I only wish someone would have prepared me for how our life was about to change which is why I’m sharing my story with you.

There was a time postpartum when I felt like I was drowning in quicksand. I was so overwhelmed and felt so defeated. Newborn twins are no joke. The sleep deprivation was killing me.  

Eventually, though, the fog lifted.  Every twin mom or dad I spoke with told me it gets better; it was hard to believe but eventually it did – they were right! It’s an amazing, crazy ride that I wouldn’t change for the world. Just remember:

My goal of Twinsanity Life is to HELP anyone who is trying to navigate through having twins and parenting in general.  

I will share my experiences, the good, the bad, and of course the funny. What I’ve learned so far and what I continue to learn. This is a no-judgment zone. Ask me anything. If I don’t know the answer, I will try to point you in the right direction.  

I will share my favorite products that have made our lives easier, discuss parenting hacks, easy meal ideas, travel tips, sleep training and potty training, sustaining nap time, pacifier weaning, life in the NICU, the importance of routines and advice for not just surviving, but thriving while having twins!

To connect with more of the community, join my Twinsanity Life group.


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