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Top 8 Tips for Breastfeeding Twins

Info Web Made Easy

Breastfeeding twins is challenging, but it is definitely possible! As mothers, we want to give our babies everything. But just know that whatever happens, fed is best and that …even if that means supplementing with formula.

If you are worried about not producing enough breast milk, just know that even a small amount of breast milk can give your baby your antibodies to build their immune systems. Here are some tips that may help:

Get support

Seek out support from healthcare providers who have experience with breastfeeding twins, as well as from other mothers who have breastfed twins. Many NICUs and maternity wards will offer a lactation nurse. Take advantage of this service! Sometimes the hospital will even offer to send a nurse to your house.

Establish a routine

Establishing a breastfeeding routine can help ensure that both babies get enough milk and are fed on a consistent schedule.

Use pillows

Use pillows or other supports to help you position the babies comfortably and in a way that allows both to nurse at the same time.

Alternate breasts

Alternate breasts for each feeding session, so that both babies get equal amounts of milk from each breast.

Consider a breastfeeding pillow

A breastfeeding pillow specifically designed for twins can be helpful in positioning the babies comfortably and reducing strain on your arms and back. We love the TwinZ Nursing Pillow! Shop and research our favorite breastfeeding, bottle feeding, and BLW products here!

Use a breast pump

Consider using a breast pump to express milk if one or both babies are having trouble latching, or if you need to be away from your babies for an extended period of time. If you are not producing enough milk, try mixing breast milk with formula (of course always check with the pediatrician).

Stay hydrated

Drink plenty of fluids to help maintain your milk supply. Seriously – like a gallon a day!

Avoid stress

A high level of stress can decrease your milk supply. We know that this might not be realistic, given the lack of sleep and demand for two newborns. But remember to take care of yourself. Breathe.

Remember, every mother-baby pair is unique, so what works for one may not work for another. Don’t be afraid to ask for help and experiment with different strategies until you find what works best for you and your babies.

Breastfeeding twins can be extremely overwhelming, and some mothers find that the experience affects their mental health. If the pumping, nursing, stress, worry, and struggle are taking over your life, then (in my opinion and personal experience) it’s OK to switch to formula. A fed baby and a happy mama are what’s most important! Always consult with the pediatrician before making any major changes. Keep in mind that every situation is unique, and you are still an amazing mother regardless of how your babies are fed!

For more tips about newborn twins, check out Twinsanity Life for resources just for mamas of multiples.

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